Think Unbroken: Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma

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What is in this book about healing from child abuse?

When it comes to the impacts and ramifications of child abuse few know them better than me. For over 30 years I carried the burden of hiding from the truth that I was affected by abuse. Think Unbroken is about understanding where we come from and how we get to where we want to be.

In this book I will share with you the principles, habits, and practical real-world exercises that are the foundation for stepping out of The Vortex and taking your life back from trauma.

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Until next time my friend, Be Unbroken.

-Michael Anthony

One of the best books in the field of Childhood Trauma Healing and Recovery!

I am giving you the first chapter of my new book for FREE. I am sharing the first chapter of Think Unbroken: Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma because I believe that we are the stories that we tell ourselves. When we choose to change our mindset, create healthy tools, and step up to the challenge, we can have the lives that we want despite trauma and abuse. My story is not that different that millions of adults survivors of child abuse. The world didn't want me, and I had to dig myself out of the ashes, but I am here. It is our voices that will erase the stigma of abuse, bring light to the biggest elephant in the room of mental health, and make it safe for children around the world. We are in this together!

When I sat down to write Think Unbroken: Understanding and Overcoming Childhood Trauma, I did so intending to create a simple eBook with stats and figures. The book was supposed to be 20 pages, but I realized that what I needed to do was create something that would impact and possibly change trauma survivors lives in the way that I changed my own. This book slowly became the most intense and enthralling project that I have ever created.

You can heal from child abuse and trauma

I have experienced the impact of understanding trauma, how to navigate from its grips and live a happy, healthy, and sustainable life. Think Unbroken contains the principles, habits, tools, and real-world exercises that I have implemented and adopted into my life in my journey of healing. I am sharing them with you because I not only believe that they work, but I know they do. I am more proud of this single piece of work than anything I have done in my life except for taking the first step to heal from childhood trauma.

Trauma takes from us and leaves us stuck in The Vortex, but you can get out!

Trauma not only impacts us in our childhood, it also leaves us in the wake of the ramifications of abuse, which often become detrimental in our adult years. Trauma survivors are more likely to be subject to unknown illnesses, alcoholism, drug use, and the manifestation of unknown physical and mental pain. For many of us, escapism is a coping mechanism because facing the truth is the hardest thing we will ever do. But it is in facing the reality of our past and doing whatever it takes to be healthy that we can become who know we are!

Though Trauma May Be Our Foundation, It Is Not Our Future!

I was forced to become:

A Trauma Survivor- Son of drug addicts and abusers, beaten, belittled, punched, kicked, bullied, molested by a family friend, mother cut off my finger, homeless by 10, a drug addict by 12, alcoholic by 19, morbidly obese twice, total failure.

I will always be:

A Trauma Warrior- After my "Mirror Moment," I created the life I wanted through self-actualization and mindset training. It's taken my entire life to get to the place I am today. I stepped into the darkness to come out the other side as the person I am now. I faced The Vortex head-on with proving that no matter what we come from, we can be Unbroken.

Today I am:

A Trauma Mentor and Educator- Through mindset and hard work, I have become the happiest, healthiest, and most in love with myself than I have ever been. I want to gift the world with the tools and knowledge I have accumulated to do the same because no one deserves abuse, but we all deserve to live. I am no longer that lost, lonely, unloved, and broken little boy. I AM UNBROKEN.

No Excuses. Just Results.

WARNING: This book is not a solution or a fix for trauma. There is no secret sauce here. There is no magic pill. This book offers a foundation to ground you as you begin the rest of your life as a Trauma Warrior. Unlike other self-help books, I wrote this intending to give you tangible, practical, and dare I say life-changing guidance based on my journey through The Vortex to self-actualization and self-empowerment.

Are you ready to Think Unbroken?