The 7 Best Documentary Films about Childhood Trauma and Abuse

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Understanding the impact of childhood trauma as an adult survivor of child abuse is pivotal in the process of healing. There are a myriad of tools at your disposal from Trauma Life Coaches, Trauma Workshops, and various modalities of therapy. One tool that is perhaps overlooked if not often underutilized is the power of film.

Over the last few years a large number of documentaries about childhood trauma and child abuse have been produced and filmed around the world. The power of childhood trauma documentaries is in their ability to give both children who have survived abuse and adults a sense of relation, belonging, and on occasion a sense that they are not alone.

The strength that documentaries have in the role of helping survivors heal from abuse is the storytelling. After all, we are the stories that we tell ourselves. Survivors of abuse are often afraid to share their stories in fear of rejection, misunderstandings, and even the possibility of triggering repressed memories or associations with their abusers — the following list of the best documentaries about child abuse and childhood trauma and their stories may change your life.

These are The 7 Best Documentary Films About Childhood Trauma and Abuse:

(In no particular order)

1- Paper Tigers

This is an excellent introduction for educators to ACE Scores or Adverse Childhood Experiences.

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This documentary is about more than child abuse and trauma. It is about the impact of the residual effects of violence in High School children. This documentary takes a deep dive into the journey of a school to radically change the way that the faculty and students address, deal with, and overcoming the ramifications of child abuse in teens. Paper Tigers is a documentary that is recommended for anyone who is a teacher or works with children of abuse in school systems.

Click here to watch it now:

2- The Work

The beauty and pain of the human spirit can't be held in by the four ways of a prison cell when given the space to shine.

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The Work is one of the most gripping and compelling documentaries about the real-life implications resulting from childhood trauma. The Work is the story of inmates at in the Folsom Prison System who one a year get the opportunity to be vulnerable, share who they are, expose their deepest fears, shine a light on their greatest hopes, and be humans. The power of this documentary isn't in focus on child abuse but in the stories these men share. The underlying narrative is one of the hurt boys becoming hurt men who have hurt people. There is no question that this documentary is more about adult survivors of child abuse and the power of childhood trauma support groups than it is a documentary about men in prison.

Click here to watch it now:

3- Happy

You are what you think when it comes to the mindset of happiness and trauma

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What if you could attain happiness even after child abuse, after trauma or after being hurt? What if the key to happiness if something deep inside of each of us as we seek whatever it is that is our purpose? Happy is a documentary that explores the power of the human experience and the ability for people to choose happiness. Watch as It explores human happiness through interviews with people from all walks of life in 14 different countries, weaving in the newest findings of positive psychology.

Click Here to watch it now:

4- Heal

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The impact of child abuse can manifest itself through strange and uncontrollable illness, undiagnosable sickness, debilitating breakdowns of the body, and a laundry list of mental health diagnosis. What if it's just in your head? Heal is a fascinating documentary which uncovers the healing power or mindset the bodies want to heal itself despite trauma or all kinds. This is a documentary that makes the list of the best documentaries about childhood trauma because we have the power to heal inside of us.

Key Takeaway - When the mind is healthy, so will be the body.

Click here to watch it now:

5- Happy Valley

The truth about childhood sexual abuse will always find its way to the light

At what point do children stop being children? Some people think as soon as they are 18 others when they graduate college. Abuse and scandal are as American as apple pie and football, and sometimes those things collide head-on. Happy Valley is a disturbing look at how shame and secrets amongst boy in men send lives crashing down. This documentary makes the list of because the conversation has to be had about men remaining silent in the face of childhood sexual abuse and trauma.

Click here to watch it now:

6- Generation Found

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Drug abuse and addiction are rampant in schools around the world but particularity in America. This documentary explores how drugs are becoming a self-medicating coping mechanism for trauma and non-trauma surviving children alike. Watch as a Texas school takes a stand and give a generation of lost children the hope and support they need.

Key takeaway - Just one person who cares can change a child's life.

Click here to watch it now:

7 - Call Me Lucky

Sharing your story of trauma and abuse can set you free and free those that listen.

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Filled with more laughs than cry, Call Me Lucky a documentary about child abuse that you will never forget. Some of the greatest influencers in the world of pop culture, science, art, film, TV, and business have come from some of the most considerable childhood trauma. Barry Crimmins was no exception and one of the men on the forefront of comedy. Like Richard Pryor before him, greatness came with a price.

Click here to watch it now:

Until next time my friend…

Be Unbroken,


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