How to Heal Childhood Truma with a CPTSD and TRAUMA Coach

How to Heal Childhood Truma with a CPTSD and TRAUMA Coach

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I was sitting on a beach in Koh Phangan, Thailand, a place that felt like a million miles away from all the pain, hurt, suffering, and trauma that I experienced as a child. And at that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of true peace. It was a new sensation, and one that I didn’t think was possible. All I knew was trauma, but at that moment, I understood that my choices had to lead me there.

For years I told myself that I would travel, that I would get out of Indiana, that I would leave that place that triggered me and finally do something for me - but I didn't because everyone said I wouldn't make it. What I didn’t understand at the time is that every choice I was making was my choice; consciously or not, I was in control despite others. I was still in control but couldn't acknowledge it. Every therapy session, every self-help book I read, every seminar and conference, and every new choice was me living life on my terms. 

So what does this have to do with you? Glad you asked. The truth is that right now; your life is happening. Your life isn’t a fairytale, and it isn’t a dream; THIS IS YOUR LIFE. Every decision you make directly impacts the rest of your life. Too often, we sit waiting and wondering when it’s going to be our time and when we will finally get that break. Have you had those thoughts? The break isn’t coming unless you earn it, and the time to start creating the opportunity is now. 

The biggest lie that we tell ourselves is that we don’t have the power to have a life on our terms. Why do we tell ourselves that? The lie is embedded in us; it’s programmed in us from birth by people who have been impacted by generational trauma themselves, more than likely. So, we believe the lie because they tell us that we are supposed to. We believe the lie because maybe they are right? But what if they aren’t? What if I told you that the secret to healing trauma is reprogramming yourself?

People have always told you what you will never do or never be. People will continue to do that as well. Some people don’t want you to succeed because your success is a reflection of their apathy. Some people want to pull you down because they feel tall. Some people will tell you that you will never travel the world and sit on a beach in Thailand because they are too scared to leave the block. Do you know what I think about those people? Fuck em' THIS IS YOUR LIFE.

At the end of the day, when this is all over, every choice and every decision you do or do not make creates a new ripple and a new path. The secret that no one told you is that YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE PATH. This is your life and no one else’s. You want to sit on a beach, travel the world, create love, learn to manage your anger, become a better version of yourself, heal trauma, start a movement, or anything else; then you have to decide to make a choice. 


If this sounds like nonsense and you don’t think it’s possible, I want to show you the way. I want to teach you how no matter where you have come from that as long as you are still alive, you have an opportunity to live on your terms, but please keep this in mind - life is created by those who choose.

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Until Next Time My Friend, 

Be Unbroken,


Michael AnthonyComment