Healing childhood trauma is a battle of getting up every day and choosing to try | CPTSD Coach

Healing Childhood Trauma is about not giving up!


I sure as fuck am not for everybody. The truth about this is I welcome a two-star review, and most people would never share this, but I am because I'll take a two-star review over a no-star review every single day. And what do I mean by that? What I mean is that we are always going to have people who disagree with us, we're always going to have people who say I don't connect with you, we're always going to have people who look at what we do, and maybe try to bring us down or perhaps say we're not good enough. And you know what? I'm good with that because I'm not going to stop no matter what.

Yes, I curse a lot. Yes, the grammar in this book is not 100% amazing, which, to be honest with you, wasn't too bad for a kid with a learning disability who got straight F's in high school and couldn't get an agent or publisher. And yes, there may be better books out there that exist. I can probably name 1000. I wrote this book because it's the book that I needed for myself, and thousands of people have read this book because it's the book they needed for them. I will never sit here and pretend that I'm some fucking guru who knows everything because I certainly don't, but every single day I'm gonna keep going forward. I'm going to keep creating, and I'm going to keep sharing, and I'm going to keep showing you a path to what's next. And I'm going to keep getting two-star reviews - those this may be the first one.

I want you all to know something really important... the only thing that matters in life is in the moment of silence and how you feel about the person that you are and the choices you make. That's the only thing that matters. Let people hate you, let people tell you you curse too much, let people tell you that your grammar sucks, let people tell you whatever the fuck they want to tell you. But tell yourself that you do everything in your life for yourself first.

No one can stop you but you. BUT ONLY IF YOU CHOOSE TO BE UNSTOPPABLE! The secret to healing to choose to heal, do the work, and say NO MATTER WHAT I WILL DO THIS FOR ME.

Sometimes we need a little help getting there, so I created the Think Unbroken 30 Day Community Coaching Sessions.

Don't let anyone stop you from becoming the person that you are capable of becoming!


Until Next Time My Friend.
Be Unbroken,

Michael AnthonyComment