How to come back from bullying and drug addiction | Nathan Simmons on Think Unbroken

Nathan Simmonds Think Unbroken Podcast

What does it mean to pull yourself out of the depths of your own choices? Nathan Simmonds has experienced the true scope of the impact of childhood trauma. From an outcast kid who experienced intense bullying and abuse, to a drug addict searching for anything to numb the pain. From the depths of his own failures to rising up to his own expectations by answering the most important question; why? Today, Nathan has carved a path to reconciliation of his past through mindset, hard work and self-belief.

His new book Stop Working Start Living - The Art and Science of Purpose drops on January 20, 2020

This book is aimed at modern day leaders, ready-to-be world changers and entrepreneurs breaking out of the chains of mediocrity so they can find fulfillment in what they do, where they’re going and who they are.

Through his personal experiences of; drug abuse, physical abuse, hospitalization and hiding away from his own greatness and living up to someone else’s expectation Nathan shares, the Science of Purpose; the fact we have purpose and that our brain thrives on it and the Art of it; how you can start to understand what you’re actually designed to bring on a daily basis to create fulfillment in your life.

Discover more about Nathan's work:

Instagram @howtofindfulfilment

Join the first online training for the Think Unbroken Academy. You can find those details here:

This podcast is not a replacement for mental health care. If you are having a life threatening emergency please contact your local emergency number.

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