Posts tagged childhood trauma
How to come back from bullying and drug addiction | Nathan Simmons on Think Unbroken

What does it mean to pull yourself out of the depths of your own choices? Nathan Simmonds has experienced the true scope of the impact of childhood trauma. From an outcast kid who experienced intense bullying and abuse, to a drug addict searching for anything to numb the pain. From the depths of his own failures to rising up to his own expectations by answering the most important question; why? Today, Nathan has carved a path to reconciliation of his past through mindset, hard work and self-belief.

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An open letter about creating more education around childhood trauma

The biggest elephant in the room of mental health is child abuse. The biggest lie in society in 2019 is that once you are no longer a child that you are no longer impacted by child abuse. The sad truth of today is that we are lead to believe that if you have been abused the best course of action is to just "deal" with it. To a point, I agree, but that is not the entire story. Today in America, five children will die in their homes. That does not take into consideration the thousands that will be abused mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. 

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