Self-sabotage as a trauma survivor | CPTSD Coach

Self-sabotage as a trauma survivor | CPTSD Coach


Self-sabotage and I used to be best friends. Like BEST friends! I did everything I could to destroy my life. I filled the gaps between who I was and who I wanted to be with more drugs, alcohol, sex, and money than you can imagine, and the whole time I kept lying to myself. I kept saying that MY LIFE WAS AWESOME while not acknowledging all the ways I was literally destroying myself. Maybe you can recognize your own self-destructive self-sabotage behaviors? Maybe you have asked yourself the same question: Who the hell do you think you are?

Self-sabotage isn't unique to any one person, we are all faced with that pain, yet some people thrive despite the little voice that whispers - you suck, and this is what you deserve. Why? The answer is simple and simultaneously the hardest reality that we face. We self-sabotage because no one told us that we are allowed to seek greatness. Painful right?

Do you know the opposite of self-sabotage? Self-actualization. Becoming who you know you are capable of being. And how do you get there? Making uncomfortable decisions and choosing to accomplish goals in alignment with your wants, needs, interests, values, boundaries, and self. And what do you do if you have no idea what any of those things mean? You seek guidance.

We often wait and hope one day "things will be different," but we have to admit that things only change when we change things.

Now is your time. Are you ready:

Join the community coaching sessions and answer the question - Who are you, really?

-Be Unbroken,


Michael AnthonyComment